Ohh that would hurt very badly especially with just sandals on. Saul found that out the hard way. he had positioned himself against Jesus and his followers. Well God interrupted that persecution, by sending a powerful light that was so strong that it blinded him and knocked him off his horse. God then gave him an opportunity to become a follower of Christ, in which he took. The same holds true today for a follower of Christ who understands that God has set himself to take care of them. You see, we have these big Angels, Warring Angels, Angels that worked in the Old Testament to keep us safe. They didn’t retire. No. They honor anyone who honors God’s word. ( There is a word coming forth for those who are bound and determined to persecute the wrong people. You see with no knowledge of Covenant, the devil has a mastery, even of those who are my children and have pledged their allegiance to me. But step aside and watch, those who have believed the words of the Son. Saying Behold, I give you power over all the power of the enemy and nothing BY ANY MEANS shall hurt them. And even in this very hour, these Angels will manifest themselves, and put to flight, the Anti-Christ spirits who would stage a fight.)
Speaking of Saul:
Acts 9:6
“And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.”