There are many extremes, where those in charge did not have the love of God flowing through them when they corrected the children. By the Grace of God, some of them were able to establish their own relationships with God and have been blessed by Him. Thank God for the riches of His Grace! But the children will go into captivity without any boundaries and Godly boundaries at that. Looking out across the land, we see many children who have lost their minds, so strung out on drugs and in violent altercations that are taking their young lives away. That’s not just poor children enfolded in destruction. Help for the children comes through repentance. This gives God the legal access to deal with their little wounded souls once again. If we repent and learn of God’s ways, then miracles can occur to bring them back. Christ has redeems us from the curse of the law if we will obey, but the curse remains in affect without remedy to those who refuse.
Num. 14:18
‘The LORD is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation
There is help for the children. Think of your children, don’t get bitter at God, He is bound, that means he can’t do anything outside of His word in you.