These words can ring forth from your lips. Many of us have seen His mighty saving power in more ways than one. Not only do we have the assurance of heaven as our home when we take our last breath, but as we walk closely with God, Jesus saves and keeps us, from all hurt harm and danger. This to can be your lot in life. Why don’t you sit down right now, make a quality decision, open your mouth, and ask Jesus to come into your heart and fix your life. I remember on one occasion, I work with children in an emergency foster care system. The children sometimes lingered In the system for months on end. But I shared with a little boy that Jesus loved him and If he would ask him, he will fix his life. He immediately yelled out, “ Jesus, fix my life.” The very next day, he was fostered into a loving home and he came back smiling from time to time with his new family happy as can be. Jesus wants to fix your life to.
Romans 10:13
for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved