The Words Of Our Lord, that seem rather harsh, were spoken in order that there would be no misunderstanding on the subject. God is a God of love, thus with everything within Him, He sent his Son into the world. He sent Him to accurately lay down what it takes to have “His Salvation” in the earth. Salvation stated here, we see goes further than just making heaven as your home. The salvation spoken of here, will keep those who listen and “Take Heed To DO,” protected here and their home.
The House on the Rock
Luke 6:46-49
Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I say? 47 I will show you what he is like who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid his foundation on the rock. When the flood came, the torrent crashed against that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
49 But the one who hears My words and does not act on them is like a man who built his house on ground without a foundation. The torrent crashed against that house, and immediately it fell—and great was its destruction.”
The torrents crashed against both houses. Please make all the proper adjustments to do what your hear. Then Jesus is really your Lord.